Scarless Breast Lift
I'm sort of on
the verge of needing a breast lift and wondering if the scars are not worth the trade-off... what kind of incisions or techniques leave
the least amount of scarring?
Answer :
This is a great, and very common
question. The principle thing that I would recommend to you is to avoid
compromising the form of your breast for fear of the scarring. Any qualified plastic surgeon will
be able to minimize the scarring with
suture techniques, and although there are no guarantees, you should hopefully
end up with fine white lines for your scars that progressively fade with time.
You are better off having a great breast form and a little more scarring than a
breast shape that is inadequate or unattractive with one scar less.
If you are indeed borderline, it is
likely that you will require less, rather than more incisions to re-create a
youthful breast form. Several options with or without breast implants are
available to you, with varying degrees of correction and size changes. The key
is choosing the right operation for you, and that involves a careful discussion
with a caring and qualified plastic surgeon.
There is not some thing as a scarless breast lift.
The real question is do you need a lift and if so how much. Some patients with
very minor or grade one ptosis with obtain a lift and increased fullness
with breast
augmentation alone. Others require minimal lift which can
sometimes be done with only a periareolar incision and and implant. In the
majority of cases a better lift is achieved with the addition of at least
a vertical incision
This is a brief outline of the scars that can be
expected after a breast lift, in order of increasing amounts of preoperative
breast sagging:
1. Scar Around the Top Half of the Areola:
this is best for patients with no more than an inch of nipple/breast sagging
and no need for entire breast reshaping
2. Scar Around the Entire Areola:
this is best for patients with about an inch of nipple/breast sagging and need
for minimal tightening of the breast skin
3. Scar Around the Areola and a
Vertical Scar Down the Breast: this is best for patients
with a moderate degree of breast/nipple sagging, some loss of superior breast
fullnes, and need for moderate reshaping of the breast.
4. Scar Around the Areola, Down the
Breast, and in the Breast Crease: this is best for
patients with significant breast/nipple sagging, total loss of fullness of the
superior breast, and need for total reshaping of the breast.
In select patients, the scar burden necessary to
perform a breast lift can be minimized by simultaneous placement of a breast
implant. A breast implant is able to affect a small
degree of breast lift and restore superior breast fullness without the need for
larger scars associated with a traditional breast lift.
Breast lift
achieves the following:
Brings the breast to a more attractive position
Reduces the size of Areola
Helps the breast to become more perky(Agile)
It is important to know
If the skin and fat above the nipple in the upper
poles of the chest are adequate then a subglandular placement with silicone implant would probably give you the most
natural look and feel . Subglandular
placement is acceptable if you have at least 2cm of tissue pinch in the
upper pole.
If you have minimal ptosis (or
sagging) of your breast, a subglandular placement might give a nice result
with fewer scar lines or incision lines, If you have significant sag then I
would typically recommend a submuscular
implant with a complete breast lift, though you will have
more scars.
A dual plane mastopexy with a reasonable size implant
can give your nipple a lift and move your breasts off your chest wall. It
will also give you fullness in the upper quadrant.
Why do breasts sag?
There is too little volume or too
much skin. Many women, particularly those who have had children, will notice that their
breast tissue will droop and “deflate” following breast-feeding. This
phenomenon is not limited to mothers, however, as changes in weight as well as
hormone fluctuations can cause these same issues. Some women, in fact, are born
with breasts that may not be as “perky” as they would like.
Greater degrees of excess skin require greater amounts
of skin removal, resulting in larger scars.
I believe in
taking an aggressive approach to scars in this situation, with progressive
suturing techniques and postoperative scar treatments as a complimentary service to my breast lift patients, so that they will
never feel like the improved shape was not worth the scars they have.
I also strongly
believe that the technique for breast lifting should be determined by the patient's goals for breast shape, and the
shape they are starting with. Each different technique (I do 4 different types)
will tend to produce a characteristic change in the shape of a breast, and so
the technique needs to be matched appropriately to the patient, using her
examination and her goals as guides- otherwise you may end up with a small
scar, but a funny or unfavorable breast shape.
The degree of lifting and the amount
of scars required to restore to
you a youthful and toned breast depends on how much droopiness you have. The
key relationships are where the nipple lives relative to the crease under the
breast and whether it points forward or downward. The farther down, the farther
it needs to come up to look good and the more incisions it takes to get there.
The other key issue is the degree of horizontal skin laxity or excess skin present.
Some patients have a periareolar or "Benelli" lift, with an
incision just around the areola, in hopes of avoid the incisions of a
conventional Wise pattern lift. When a large breast lift is attempted through
such an incision, characteristic problems can occur, with gathering of the
incision, decreased areolar circulation (some patients can actually have nipple
death), and large resultant nipple-areolar complexes. It is in my opinion a
mistake to attempt too great a lift through too small an incision Periareolar.When lifts require an implant , They are
good for patients whose needs for lifting are less with their nipples above the
crease and pointing forward to start with. If overextended, this lift will
result in a flat, baggy looking breast with a large areola with poor scars
around it. Vertical lifts, "L" lifts, short"T" lifts and
full"T" lifts are the next level and can be done with or without
implants. They have more scar but provide a better looking conical projecting
breast in the hands of an excellent sculpting surgeon. Nobody wants scars but
everybody wants the best shape and the scars are a trade-off for that. They
fade with time and generally most all patients will trade their best shape for
the scars to get there
here simply is no way to perform a
breast lift surgery without some type of scar. The only thing that can be done
is to try to optimize the position or quality of the scars that are made. In
general, the best scars are seen when incisions are placed under the least
amount of tension.The good news is that most of the scars fade nicely and are
specifically placed to be as inconspicuous as possible
The idea of a scarless surgery is an
attractive one , It is better to
think of it as minimizing the length of any scar and optimizing its position in
order to obtain the best result.