I'm looking for a good cellulite treatment. Are there any cellulite treatments that are more effective than others? What are my options?
I'm looking for a good cellulite treatment. Are there any cellulite treatments that are more effective than others? What are my options?
The best single way to reduce cellulite is to lose weight through a great diet and regular exercise. Everything else we provide as doctors is second best to this solution. True cellulite is caused by irregularities in the very superficial fat of the skin. Cellulite is caused by excess fat cells pushing out on the skin from underneath and fibrous bands pulling in on the skin. Unfortunately, that is very close to where the blood supply of the skin is, in the subdermal plexus
There is no way to actually get rid of cellulite although there are treatments to reduce its appearance. All of the following treatments have been touted for their effectiveness in either decreasing or eliminating cellulite
Endermologie treatments incorporated with diet, exercise and drinking plenty of water will offer the best results to fight cellulite.Endermologie is a painless and noninvasive mechanical massage that stimulates the reactivation of fat release and production of collagen and elastin.With a series of at least 10-14 weekly treatments Endermologie produce visible improvement in the cellulite.Once your desired results are achieved, returning for treatments once a month for maintenance is recommended. Endermologie temporarily improves the look but if you stop the treatments, 2 months later all the cellulite is back.
Radio frequency devices will also temporarily help the problem but not completely . Alma Accent :skin cellulite can be improved with this new unipolar radiofrequency device, with fewer treatments and longer lasting results as compared to older options. The older options have typically been bipolar radio frequency and low-level laser devices which have been proven to produce mild skin tightening of cellulite; this new treatment is far more sophisticated . .Another the non-invasive procedure is called Thermage . Thermage is extremely safe, and it takes about one and a half hours in the office. There is no anesthesia, no down time, and no scar. So, for many women, it is worth a try. La radiofrecuencia produce un calentamiento profundo de la piel y del tejido graso que aumenta la circulación de la zona, favorece el drenaje linfático, permite mejorar el metabolismo del tejido graso subcutáneo y estimula la formación de colágeno de las capas más internas de la piel. Este calor consigue de forma inmediata el estiramiento del tejido cutáneo reduciendo los signos de flacidez y deja la piel más tersa. Se utiliza para el tratamiento de la celulitis, de la flacidez, para mejorar la piel.
Cellulite is a difficult problem to fix , creams, massages and ultrasound can help but are not so efective. Also, in my opinion, treatments such as lipolysis, mesotherapy,have limited efectiveness.
Microcanula liposculpture improves cellulite by breaking these little fibrous bands and by removing the fat cells pushing out on the skin. It is done under local anesthesia and is probably the only permanent way to help cellulite. Although it is not 100% effective, it is the best we got at this time. Liposculpture at deep levels can sometimes break the septae, or interconnections of deposits of fat, and thereby reduce (not eliminate) the appearance of cellulite. It can certainly make the appearance of cellulite better.