
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Cellulitis , Treatments


I'm looking for a good cellulite treatment. Are there any cellulite treatments that are more effective than others? What are my options?

I'm looking for a good cellulite treatment. Are there any cellulite treatments that are more effective than others? What are my options?

The best single way to reduce cellulite is to lose weight through a great diet and regular exercise. Everything else we provide as doctors is second best to this solution. True cellulite is caused by irregularities in the very superficial fat of the skin. Cellulite is caused by excess fat cells pushing out on the skin from underneath and fibrous bands pulling in on the skin.  Unfortunately, that is very close to where the blood supply of the skin is, in the subdermal plexus
There is no way to actually get rid of cellulite although there are treatments to reduce its appearance. All of the following treatments have been touted for their effectiveness in either decreasing or eliminating cellulite
Endermologie treatments incorporated with diet, exercise and drinking plenty of water will offer the best results to fight cellulite.Endermologie is a painless and noninvasive mechanical massage that stimulates the reactivation of fat release and production of collagen and elastin.With a series of at least 10-14 weekly treatments Endermologie produce visible improvement in the cellulite.Once your desired results are achieved, returning for treatments once a month for maintenance is recommended. Endermologie temporarily improves the look but if you stop the treatments, 2 months later all the cellulite is back.
Radio frequency devices will also temporarily help the problem but not completely . Alma Accent :skin cellulite can be improved with this new unipolar radiofrequency device, with fewer treatments and longer lasting results as compared to older options. The older options have typically been bipolar radio frequency and low-level laser devices which have been proven to produce mild skin tightening of cellulite; this new treatment is far more sophisticated . .Another the non-invasive procedure is called Thermage . Thermage is extremely safe, and it takes about one and a half hours in the office. There is no anesthesia, no down time, and no scar. So, for many women, it is worth a try. La radiofrecuencia produce un calentamiento profundo de la piel y del tejido graso que aumenta la circulación de la zona, favorece el drenaje linfático, permite mejorar el metabolismo del tejido graso subcutáneo y estimula la formación de colágeno de las capas más internas de la piel. Este calor consigue de forma inmediata el estiramiento del tejido cutáneo reduciendo los signos de flacidez y deja la piel más tersa. Se utiliza para el tratamiento de la celulitis, de la flacidez, para mejorar la piel.
ite is a difficult problem to fix , creams, massages and ultrasound  can  help but are not  so efective. Also, in my opinion, treatments such as lipolysis, mesotherapy,have limited efectiveness.
Microcanula liposculpture improves cellulite by breaking these little fibrous bands and by removing the fat cells pushing out on the skin. It is done under local anesthesia and is probably the only permanent way to help cellulite. Although it is not 100% effective, it is the best we got at this time. Liposculpture at deep levels can sometimes break the septae, or interconnections of deposits of fat, and thereby reduce (not eliminate) the appearance of cellulite. It can certainly make the appearance of cellulite better.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Botox , Side Effects


Has Botox some side effects like droopy eyelids. Is Botox safe?


Botox is considered to be generally safe and has received FDA approval as a result. Like any other form of medical treatment, there are associated side effects Botox, such as droopy eyelids.The most common side effects of Botox include mild discomfort at the site(s) of injection, temporary redness at the injection site and possible bruising. Rarely, patients may experience a headache. The incidence of an eyelid droop is very rare occurring in about 1% of patients. It is temporary and usually resolves in a few weeks. Botox is contraindicated in individuals with neurological conditions. . Botox only lasts 3 months, so if you did get a droopy eyelid it would subside when the Botox wears off.
There is no full proof technique to avoid botox side effects. Nobody can actually guarantee that you won't have complication, because there can be occasional variations in a person's muscle distribution width. So side effect can happen to anyone.
Botox is one of the most widely-investigated products on the market. There are over 20 years of strong evidence that points to its safety when it is injected properly by an experienced doctor. botulinium-based drugs are used to treat cerebral palsy and other ills. These patients are receiving Botox in doses that are many, many times larger than the small dose that is used for cosmetic treatments. Like any treatment, it does have some side effects, even when used perfectly. These can include pain, bruising, and allergies in extremely rare cases. Avoid aspirin, ibuphen, vitamin E, and some herbal products to reduce bruising seven days before treatment. Apply ice at the site to minimize bruising & swelling.
It is critical to inject the right dosage or strength of Botox in the right muscles of the face to minimize some common side effects, such as droopy or heavy eyelids or eyebrows.

Bruising is a risk with any injection, so avoid taking anything that can thin your blood for at least 10 days before your treatment such as aspirin. To reduce your risk of a droopy eyelid with a brow injection, do not rub the area that was injected and avoid strenuous activity for several hours after your treatment . Several things I encourage my patients to avoid after Botox: 1) avoid rubbing the treated area for 24 hours, 2) avoid facial massage, Microdermabrasion for 24 hours after the procedure, 3) avoid aspirin, fish oil, excess vitamin E for 1 week before and 24 hours after the procedure
Botox injections can cause side effects if not done properly. However, complications are more frequent when doing the mouth, neck, etc A good plastic surgeon will start with a lower dose and adjust the dosage to get the desired results...we begin first time patients in limited areas and very carefully diagram areas treated and amounts used. From the initial response we can modify what we will later do.
Your plastic surgeon should examine your eyes to determine if you have a compensated preexisting eyelid ptosis. In this case, Botox in the frontalis will reveal your eyelid ptosis. If there is no preexisting ptosis then Botox can cause paralysis of the levator palpebrae. 0.5% apraclonidine drops have been used to improve a Botox induced eyelid ptosis (~2 mm elevation) by contracting the Mueller muscle inside the eyelid.
Droppy eyelids from
botox are extremely rare. What is more common is a lower or flatter brow from too much relaxation from botox in the forehead. If your forehead becomes completely relaxed then you may not be able to raise your eyebrows - this leads to a feeling of heavy brow and can make the brow flat and seem like you have droopy eyelids but the eyelids really are just weighed down by the heavy, relaxed brows that are no longer raised up by forehead muscles. The goal of botox is to acheive a balance betwen the muscles that pull down on the brow (the muscles between the eyebrows) and the muscles that raise or elevate the brow - the forehead muscles - so that the net effect is a slight overall improvement of the brow arch making the eyes look more youthful and rested.

The skill part of injecting
Botox is understanding the anatomy of the facials muscle, especially around the eye. It is also critical to inject the right amount of Botox in the right places to avoid side effects. If too much Botox was injected above your eyebrows or if some Botox migrates into the levator palpebrae muscle that elevates the upper eyelid, you could get a lid droop .Most of the "side effects" described for Botox are associated with the Botox spreading to adjacent areas that you don't want to treat. Droopy eyelids can occur if botox is administered too close to the brow or if Botox treatment to the glabellar area (corrugator muscles - located medially above your brow) involves migration of the medication to effect other muscles outside your treatment zone. This is very uncommon, but having droopy eyelids can occure when the botox reaches the muscle that lifts up your eyelid. With a smaller volume of seroum with the same amount of botox, the botox is less likely to reach that muscle. Also to avoid reaching that muscle its important to stay away from the eye or the orbital part of the eye.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Labioplasty,Labioplasty Recovery – how long does it take ¿


Labioplasty Recovery – how long does it take ¿

Most women experience only mild discomfort and swelling after labiaplsty and return to work within 4-5 days. The majority of the swelling resolves within 3 weeks and sutures are self dissolving. Intimate activity may be safely resumed at 4 weeks and light exercise between 3-4 weeks. The Labiae start to look kinda freakish. This resolves but can worry some patients in the short term.

I ask my patients to stay in bed for two days after the labia minora reduction procedure with ice on the area. Most patients are able to return to work 3 to 4 days after surgery (not strenuous). Some swelling and spotting after the procedure is common and I asked my patients not to be concerned about the appearance of the area for the first month given that the swelling may cause unnecessary anxiety.
I also ask my patients to avoid horseback riding, bicycle riding, prolonged sitting, and sexual intercourse for approximately one month after surgery. This timeline may change depending on how the patient is doing during the postoperative visits.
What to expect after Labiaplasty Surgery?

1. swelling for about 4 weeks, with the majority of improvement seen by the second week . you will
generally need 3-4 days at home to recover.
2. back to work within 3-4 days, if not physical in nature
3. pain is well tolerated with Tylenol and decreases significantly by the end of the first week . DO NOT take aspirin or ibuprofen because they can increase bruising and bleeding.
4. showering is permitted the following day after surgery
5. sexual activity may be resumed 4 weeks post Labiaplasty
6. sutures used are mostly resorbable a will fall off on their own by the 4th to 6th week
7. Swelling and tenderness should disappear within 6 weeks.
8. It will take between 6 months to a year before you will see the absolute final results.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Labioplasty, How Do I Know if I Need Labiaplasty?

How Do I Know if I Need Labiaplasty?


The demands for labiaplasy (any procedure to alter the size and shape of the labia) seem to have increased in the recent past. Labiaplasty procedures have gained significant popularity over the past 5 years due to changes in fashion and grooming as well as due to further education and media exposure. With grooming trends limiting amount of genital hair, a woman's long or asymmetric labia (or inner lips) are more apparent.
The typical patient that presents desiring labiaplasty has a very similar combination of signs and symptoms. Essentially all patients have relatively large inner labia that hang out past the outer labia and therefore are always visible whether sitting, standing, or laying down - this is the most common aesthetic concern. Some have functional problem from this such as drying, chafing, frequent infections, and/or uncomfortable in activities such as bicycle riding, running, and during sexual intercourse. The pain could be described as pinching, rubbing or irritation of the excess skin and to have discomfort with certain tight fitting clothes and pinching of the “excess” tissue in tight fitting clothing.
Labiaplasty is a surgical technique to reduce the amount of skin and mucosal tissue in the labia of a female patient.This is performed to rejuvenate the appearance of the labia and to improve the patient's comfort. Surgery typically takes approximately 1 hour and performed under local
anesthesia approximately 80% of the time.