
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Recovery , Breast Aumentation

Breast augmentation recovery. How much time off work does breast implant recovery require? Will I be able to take care of my 2 children afterwards? When do scars really begin to fade? The more you can tell me the better


Initially, you can expect to feel tightness and pressure if the implants are placed under the muscle. Pain medication and muscle relaxants can ease this. Only use as much as you need to reach a point of "tolerable discomfort." Trying to become pain free with medications is not possible and will only lead to taking too much of the drugs prescribed to you. Recovery from breast surgery depends on many factors including implant size and placement, patients pain tolerance to name a few.

For the first couple days, you will have tight discomfort around your chest, like you had engorgement from breast feeding.This tightness eases significantly over the first week and most patients are off medications by then. Returning to activities that elevate your heart rate and blood pressure is possible at the 6 week point after surgery.
After surgery you will have swelling in the upper pole of your breast.The swelling should be largely gone by 6 weeks and usually there is no bruising at all. The final size and appearance should be seen by 3 months
.Breast Augmentation has consistently been the most popular cosmetic surgery operation for multiple reasons; It is affordable, makes a great change in your appearance, boosts your attractiveness and self-confidence and does NOT have a prolonged down-time

Recovery in general for breast augmentation is a fairly carefree operation done as an outpatient procedure with general anesthesia. The patient can usually go home following the procedure and short recovery period. Most normal activity can be resumed in three to five days following surgery. I recommend my patients to refrain from exercise and getting their heart rate above 100 for at least six weeks following surgery. The patient can expect to be off work for three to five days immediately following the procedure. Indeed time away from work depends upon the physical activity requirements of your job
.If your implants are placed submuscular (under the muscle) then I suggest no gym for 6 weeks. Let the kids get up on your lap then take them from a sitting position. Don't lift them from a standing position because it's a little too much force on the pectoralis itself . If you have small children you probably want someone to be around to help you during the first few days.Don't plan to drive during 10 days ,especialy while you're taking the prescribed pain pills .
.Most patients who undergo breast augmentation are actually surprised to find that they recovery is smoother than anticipated. Younger clients in the 20-30 group tend to bounce back faster but still need to limit their aerobic exercise and heavy lifting for a four weeks after surgery. At 6 days at your follow-up appointment incisions are healed and you learn how to massage them for softnes

These are general observations and by no means exhaustive nor completely exclusive.
Home the same day of surgery. You may experience some nipple sensitivity for the first few weeks Any bruising typically resolves in the first 2 weeks
Days 1-4: Inflammatory period: Swelling, pain, discomfort. Early risk for bleeding in first 24 hours.This is the period that requires the vast majority of medication. Move arms (if allowed by surgeon to minimize spasm pain). Bruising may appear. Fluid retention is common .
Days 4-10: Generally OK to shower and get wounds briefly wet if permitted by surgeon. Belly may be swollen as the swellng moves down your body. Possible constipation due to pain meds. Pain tends to diminish during the day with less need for meds. However, pain tends to occur at night from 3-6am and is worse with submusclular placement. Bruising stable. Begin implant displacement exercises(massage) if permited by surgeon. Between 7-10 days be aware of signs of bleeding or infection
Days 10-21: lowered risk of infection and bleeding. Increased physcial activity such as low impact exercises avoiding upper extremity resistance excersises. Vast majority of initial capsule formation occurs during this period. Vast majority of swelling begins to subside. Occasional pain at night.
Nerves begin to wake up (resolving dysesthesias) and may cause "pins and needles" sensation to nipple area. Normal to have some areas of skin numbness. More aggressive implant displacement exercises are begun.
Days 21-42: Generally a plateau period in terms of wound healing. Not alot of changes as the remaining 20% of the capsule tends to be formed during this period. Rare to require any pain meds.
May begin transition from low implact activities to higher impact aerobic activites and begin a slow but gradually progressive course of upper extremity resistance exercises. Many surgeons disagree at which point you may be unrestricted *(anywhere from 6 wks to 3 months).
Days 42-9 months: Progressive relaxation of scar tissues and softening of the initially firm result with descent of the implant and resolution of the remaining 5-10% of swelling. It is at this points that the breasts generally become softer and movil.
During this time most patients take "ownership" of the implants and they become part of their body image but this varies tremendously among patients. This is also a common time period where patients may feel that they didn't go big enough.
Although the breasts become stable in their appearance, it is important to realize that they are never stable and always changing with the greatest amount of change occuring with pregnancy, weight gain, and menopause. Everyone heals differently and not all surgeons would agree with this summary

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