
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Labioplasty,Labioplasty Recovery – how long does it take ¿


Labioplasty Recovery – how long does it take ¿

Most women experience only mild discomfort and swelling after labiaplsty and return to work within 4-5 days. The majority of the swelling resolves within 3 weeks and sutures are self dissolving. Intimate activity may be safely resumed at 4 weeks and light exercise between 3-4 weeks. The Labiae start to look kinda freakish. This resolves but can worry some patients in the short term.

I ask my patients to stay in bed for two days after the labia minora reduction procedure with ice on the area. Most patients are able to return to work 3 to 4 days after surgery (not strenuous). Some swelling and spotting after the procedure is common and I asked my patients not to be concerned about the appearance of the area for the first month given that the swelling may cause unnecessary anxiety.
I also ask my patients to avoid horseback riding, bicycle riding, prolonged sitting, and sexual intercourse for approximately one month after surgery. This timeline may change depending on how the patient is doing during the postoperative visits.
What to expect after Labiaplasty Surgery?

1. swelling for about 4 weeks, with the majority of improvement seen by the second week . you will
generally need 3-4 days at home to recover.
2. back to work within 3-4 days, if not physical in nature
3. pain is well tolerated with Tylenol and decreases significantly by the end of the first week . DO NOT take aspirin or ibuprofen because they can increase bruising and bleeding.
4. showering is permitted the following day after surgery
5. sexual activity may be resumed 4 weeks post Labiaplasty
6. sutures used are mostly resorbable a will fall off on their own by the 4th to 6th week
7. Swelling and tenderness should disappear within 6 weeks.
8. It will take between 6 months to a year before you will see the absolute final results.

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