
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Liposuction, Liposculpture , Liposelection - What's the Difference?!

Liposuction, Liposculpture , Liposelection - What's the Difference?!

What is the difference between all of these types of lipo: Liposuction, Liposelection, Liposculpture? What type works the best?

Liposuction is the basic technique, the simultaneous mechanical breaking down of fat together with suctioning using a tube attached to a vacuum device (aspirator) .But We sometimes use the word  liposculpture, because we are focusing on shape more than on volume (we always focus on both) which suggest superior results.
Liposuction is formally referred to as Suction Assisted Lipectomy, whereby fat cells are removed using a small cannula and a vacuum assisted device. The technique is well recognized, safe, and commonly used by most plastic surgeons. Recent advances have changed the scope of liposuction to include an added benefit of not only removing the fat through suction, but also dissolving the fat with energy. The energy types are ultrasound energy (VASER) or laser.

The process of ultrasound assisted liposuction is well documented and involves a process of cavitation, whereby sound waves are used to break open and kill fat cells prior to the liposuction. This results in improvement in contour for patients. Basically the result you will get depends far more on the nature of your skin and its ability to shrink , A small amount of heat can have the beneficial effect of causing more contraction of tissues. Heat also increases the chance that the body may respond by making more fluid (called a seroma, which may need to be drained). Then in the 90's, ultrasonic liposuction was introduced from Europe with the idea of breaking down the fat first and then removing it. This was thought to be less traumatic to other tissues like blood vessels and fibrous supporting tissue.

Liposelection i
s a name coined by the makers of one current generation of ultrasonic-assisted liposuction machines , They call it Vaser ultrasonic liposelection. The reason for the name is that the way the ultrasonic energy is generated both at the tip and along the shaft of the probe makes the fat cells split apart from each other .,Vaser is useful for treatment of areas that are densly fibrous such as the back and male breasts ,gynecomastia ,. When used for a lipo-abdominoplasty, it is great because it allows "lipo-sculpting" of the abdomen and torso at the same time.

 You can also have laser-assisted liposuction, such as the SmartLipo Triplex. SmartLipo is a machine that has a laser to melt the fat.  The fat has to be suctioned out in addition to the fat melting part. The devil is in the details here - if the surgeon that is doing the liposuction doesn't do a good job getting the patient numbed up or doesn't do a good job getting the fat out, you can end up with a mess on your hands.

"Liposculpture" is just a usage that connotes an artistic approach to contouring. You might say it means that what is most important is what is left behind, the final shape. Since the underlying body is obscured by excessive fat, the removal of that fat to reveal the body shape can be called lipo-sculpting , either with the aid of ultrasound or with laser energy (Smart Lipo, etc).



stacie28 said...

According to a recent study, lipoplasty or liposuction is one of the most effective cosmetic procedures for fat removal nowadays. This liposuction treatment has made a lot of women and men around the world look more attractive and more beautiful due to its ability to reduce undesirable fat so well. Generally, people with stubborn areas of fat are the best candidates for this procedure.

rajesh said...

Are there any insurance companies that will cover Lipoabdominoplasty?

Dora@Lipoescultura said...

Liposuctioning superficially is an art, however, and extra time must be taken to assure evenness and smoothness of the skin.

Unknown said...

most insurance companies will not cover liposuction or Abdominoplasty